
Friday, May 06, 2011

Paper Feathers [and Hearts]

We [I have help today - thanks mom] are preparing for the i♥market tomorrow.  These paper feathers will be part of the scene.

The weather forecast says there will be a shower in the morning, so I can't think of a better place to be than warm and under cover at the market.
See you there.  Come and say hi.


  1. I wish my comments could be as creative as your work ... is there no end to what you can do / do do? Lovely!

  2. I know we chatted but I never saw these. Will have to have a proper browse next month :)

  3. How glad I am that I have stumbled upon your delightful blog, whilst helping my friend Marlene from Bangkok (previously also from Durban) set up her new blog ... I will be popping in regularly and mentioning it on my facebook page. Your ideas are so fresh.
