I have told you about some coffee shops in
Durban and in
Cape Town and you really should check out
Janine's posts [of FourWalls Design] on some more great coffee destinations
here and
I just have to show you the place where I spend a lot of time!

If I am not at home - there is a reasonably good chance I am drinking an inspirational cup of coffee here!
Sprigs is a delightful coffee shop in Kloof - and you just have to visit if you are in Durban!
If you are a tea drinker - the cosy covering your pot is a knitted work of art. But if you are a coffee drinker like me - every cup of coffee is a work art - all on it's own!

Owners, Claire and Fiona Ras have published this cook book - I have my own copy and it is good!
I must say that tea cosy looks so good! One can have that on the side with the cup of tea! Really looks like a nice place!
Since you introduced me, I have recognised the name, and been so aware of them. I have seen them on TV, and they answered some questions in a recent Oprah magazine.
Fond memories!
I am so glad to be one of the lucky people who from time to time can visit this divine shop. Lovely tea cosy!
Hi! This is my first time on your blog and I must say, I love it! The knitted sweater on the teapot is so CUTE!
Hi there, Glad to be visiting in Bahrain, but looking forward to 'Breakfast at Sprigs'. See you soon.
Ive been to Sprigs and it is lovely! I enjoyed their water, it was an icy glass jug full of water and chopped up fruit. Very refreshing! I dont think I have ever seen so many vegetarian meals as I did on their buffet table!!
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