
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Granny Square Chairs!

I have been enjoying doing some crochet work lately and so was tickled by these fun and funky Dutch Wool & Wood stools featured on The Style Files! A clever application of an old craft! They can be custom made to order.
I am busy on a small crochet project at the moment, which I hope to show you soon!


  1. These are beautiful! I am now even more inspiered to take up crocheing!

  2. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for the comment on my blog.
    Glad you like cherries too!
    I plan to visit when I have more time. Your blog looks interesting and I love the fact that you live in Africa. Cool!!

  3. Oh these are so great! Nice pics too. I hope you can contribute to my What do you do for a living post - would love to hear about you!
