
Monday, September 22, 2008

And the Winner is...

I am really pleased with some new cushions which I have just made out of Prison Fabric. I was struck with the pattern that the wording formed - a typographical polka dot - made up of Correction S - which stands for Correctional Services. I am happy that the fabric is black and white as most prisoners wear orange.This series is significant to me because I am delighted that I managed to 'Freshly Find' this fabric! [Most of the stuff I make is from Freshly Found Vintage!] It has added meaning to me because I have spent a few really memorable sessions visiting some of the ladies at the Westville prison. [They don't wear this fabric - that seems to be reserved for the men only - they wear navy or denim with white.] After overcoming any claustraphobic fears I might have had - I soon realised the humaness, bravery, humour and optimism of these ladies - and that there - but by the grace of God - could so many of us have gone.Last week I had a Giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging! The prize for the winning Commentee on my blog is a Cushion Cover from this series.
I printed out all the names on pieces of paper and helped by my daughter yesterday afternoon, who did the draw, we came up with a winner!
Anairam from the delightful blog Fra[a]ings is the one! So a cushion cover will be on its way to you soon! Congrats and I hope it brings you joy!


  1. The fabric certainly is a great find! It looks amazing as a cushion.

  2. What an incredible idea!
    I just love the double meaning, and that we all need to make "Corrections" for our deeds.

  3. Oh oh oh!!!!!! Thank you so much! (The last time I won something I was about 7 years old and won two bottles of Coke at a bazaar ...)

    Will send you my address details.

    I am looking forward to my cushion cover - and wishing you a great many years of blogging to come!

  4. What an interesting find - I had no idea that it existed nevermind that you could buy "prison fabric" - great cushion!

  5. LOVE the prison fabric. Perhaps some coordinating accessories in jailbird stripes would be appropriate?
