
Monday, September 08, 2008

Elle Deco!

I am a guest blogger on Elle Deco today! Pop over there and have a look at all sorts of inspirational stuff!
In particular I enjoyed the recent article on South African Award Winning Designer Haldane Martin.

Read the interview with him and so much more.


  1. How amazing. Just yesterday I looked at your full profile again, noticed that you list Elle Deco, and went to have a look. I love it when that happens!
    Have a great day...

  2. Oh! Oh! Oh!! My favourite topic - book art! I quickly popped over to Elle Deco and had a squiz, and did it warm my recycling heart! I was so taken with your little table yesterday, that I started this morning making my own - did not use VISI in the end, but found four old issues of House & Leisure. Bottom half is finished!

  3. I popped over and your post is great. What an honour :)

  4. Nice post about paper - one of my favorite materials. I love your magazine table - will have to give that a try. Thanks for visiting my blog last week.

  5. Congratulations. I'm off to read it now.

  6. Thanks everyone. And thanks Jesse for the link. Lovely stuff.
