
Monday, September 01, 2008

Tree of Happiness

Happy Spring day to those of us in the Southern Hemisphere! This is a silhouette of the magnolia tree in my garden which is bursting into flowers, before the leaves arrive!I was so delighted to receive a Tree of Happiness Award from Flower Press! [The creator of some beautiful gocco prints]
I have to list 6 random things that make me happy! Here goes:
  • My first cup of coffee in the morning! I make it on my trusty espresso machine and usually have it together with my husband.
  • Browsing through Design magazines or books at my local bookstore
  • "Finding" something full of potential at the local charity shop
  • Painting things white! It improves most them!!??!
  • My home at the moment. We have been doing bits and pieces of renovating - and I am liking the outcome!
  • Travelling to Cape Town or overseas. I love being exposed to creative ideas in a different environment!
I am going to pass this award on to Estelle [she doesn't have a blog YET, but she is such an encouraging reader of mine]


  1. Thank you VERY much for the link. I did not know about it. Really appreciate it!

  2. Happy spring! I wish it were going into spring here...I can already feel the effects of more limited daylight! Good happy list, too! :)

  3. Ah, there I was enjoying reading your list and up popped my name.
    Thanks Denise!!!
    Ja, I don't have a blog, and my profile is a sorry excuse too.
    Have a great day. Here in Jo'burg the wind is trying to blow us away, but that means we should have good rains soon - and that's one thing that makes me happy

  4. Hey there! Nice to "find" your blog. I'm an ex-Durbs girl myself, now living in Margate. New to the blogosphere. I'm like you with the morning cup of coffee which I also have with my husband. I also love design and books and ideas! Nice blog!

  5. Ps: I see you mention Andrew Walford in a side list on your blog - I love his stuff! I went to school with his son! Small world.

  6. Happy Spring day to you too Denise! It was great reading your simple pleasures.

  7. Happy Spring Denise :-)
    I always like the look of things when you paint them white too!
