
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Been to Bean There

A few years ago I owned a coffee shop - and my passion for coffee and quirky coffee shops has never faded! That is why I enjoyed Bean There at 44 Stanley! I loved the 'bike artwork', the colourful lampshades and the airy light white feel of the place. The owners import coffee and your nose tells you, way before you get inside, that it is roasted on sight!My visit there was a visual and aromatic feast!Visit their Blog and visit BaristaUnderground to read about the recent Coffee Jam Session held at Bean There.


  1. Some people say "Been there, done that", but with you I am sure it is "Been there, would love bein' there again".
    I love the pics you take - full of atmosphere!

  2. It looks like a great coffee shop! I love coffee too - I've recently discovered a coffee roastery called Switch in Somerset West on the Lourensford Estate - they roast beans fresh every day to sell, and let you taste different coffees ... maybe something to go on your list of CT places to visit?

  3. Yum... that coffee looks amazing! I'm such a nut about beans :)

  4. It looks just my sort of coffee shop

  5. Looking forward to your visit to Urban Grounds! Great that you made it to Bean There, we are big fans of their decaf Wild Ethiopian Limu!

  6. Since you're a fellow coffee lover, you should try out Urban Grounds on Frere Rd...simple, very chilled place to spend a few lazy hours reading your book with Great coffee!
