
Friday, November 14, 2008


Still a light posting today, as we tie up ends from the happenings of the week.

Exciting stuff is happenening in the background for Freshly Found, though, and I am working on all of that too.

Keys and Key related goodies that have made me happy lately...

Please Sir's Vintage Key Wall find at the Liberty NC Antique Festival!
These Keyholes are actually Keyrings and they can double up as a ring for your finger too! Avalable from Ping Mag
Fornasetti's Pillow-Key available from My Own Space.


  1. Oh man, keys are so much better to collect than t-p rolls! (Actually, I bought myself a lovely rusted old key at the car boot sale a month ago - it might be the beginning of a collection ...

  2. I love all the shapes! The keyhole pics are great!
