Thursday, June 26, 2008

We're Off!

This last week has been quite a stressful/exciting week. We are on the brink of leaving on a wonderful trip to visit family and friends in Europe. We are also doing some renovations in our home - in preparation for having a beautiful Africote screed floor laid while we are away. So we have been reduced to living in a couple of small rooms with all our earthly possesions - with an almost continual haze of dust. I am setting up a temporary kitchen and preparing for some brave housesitters who will be staying here and keeping our dogs company.
Amidst all of this, some beautiful things have come into my life this week:

These Limited edition prints from Jesse arrived on Monday: They are delightful and even more endearing in real life than on the screen! Some of them will be beautifying my own home and some will be winging their way overseas! My daughter, as part of a School Business Economics Project, has to help a local Informal Business. Hle Mbambo is a beautiful young Zulu Girl who has a dream to become a nurse. In the mean time she has learnt the craft of beading. We were delighted when we saw an example of her handiwork. She sources these Canvas Shoes and then decorates them beautifully. For added value, she personalises each pair by beading the name of the buyer on the back. She is looking forward to working with her!
I'll be back in mid July!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Wool 'n Weave

My friend Liz has just relocated her Wool Shop to lovely new premises in Hillcrest. I went to the Official Opening on Saturday and enjoyed the inspiring environment. If you love to create things with needles and live in [or are visiting] Durban, it is well worth a visit! If you don't actually want to do all the hard work yourself, - she has a whole range of ready made goodies, created by local knitters.
Pop onto her websight here for more info about Community Projects, Lessons, Products, etc.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Elizabeth Lecourt

Krissy of the lovely Paper Schmaper posted an informative collection of paper dresses, including this creation by Jolis Paons: It reminded me of this intriguing paper clothing by artist Elizabeth LeCourt I must say all of this makes my brain cells buzz and my fingers itch. I have so many delightful vintage books, which could be be beautifully displayed if made up into paper clothing! Well this space....Maybe!?!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lovely London Unpackaged!

The Last of my Lovely London List of places I want to see. We leave for Europe at the end of the week. I have such a long list and so few days - I don't know if I will get to see everything!
Multistorey have been involved in branding this interesting store - Unpackaged. Everything sold is - unpackaged. You bring your own. If you forget you can purchase re-usable packaging. The intstruction posters and other stationery are made from re-cycled packaging!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Connections - Chairs

I was browsing through Alkemie the other day, when I came across this picture taken from a House and Garden magazine in the 50s. It rang a bell and sent me dashing to my linen cupboard to find a cushion cover I had made from a vintage scarf. It was in fact an almost identical print! How amazing. I would love to know more of the story behind this pic!

Pop over to Alkemie for lots more inspiration - like this Incredible Glass-encased Credenza by Boca Do Lobo featured recently!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gary Harvey

While I love making cushion covers out of shirts and gloves, Gary Harvey loves to make clothing out of clothing!
Just look at some the amazing couture from his London Fashion week collection made from Hawaian Shirts, Trench Coats and Levi Jeans!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some Thank Yous!

Abigal of Abbey Goes Design Scouting loves to find inspiration in everyday objects! I am so glad that today, she has found inspiration in my Shirt Cushions! Thanks Abbey! Go and visit her blog and her Paper and Vintage Shops too!

El Mundo Del Reciclaje is a blog, committed to Inspirational Recycling.Since Estercity mentioned my article on Wooden Coathangers, I have recieved lots of Spanish visitors! I have enjoyed the interaction! Go and have a look at her blog. The ideas are great, even if you don't speak Spanish!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lovely London List 5

The last time we were in London, I had to do as much design and coffee as possible. We visited Bibendum Coffee Bar, just next to the Conran Shop in Fulham Road. Coming from tropical Kwa Zulu Natal, we found it intriguing to have coffee in an outdoors environment at a temperature not too far away from 0 degC! It was a great experience!
So many places I want to visit again and so little time!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Comrades Marathon

Yesterday, we had about 10 000 people run almost past our home in the Comrades Marathon - [the worlds oldest and largest Ultramarathon] We live on a peninsula in a hilly area, so we become totally neighbourhood-locked for the duration of the race in our area. Many people in the community take their breakfast and chairs to the roadside and encourage the runners along. The front runners finish in around 6 hours, but the bulk of the runners finish around 12 hours after the start! The atmosphere is amazing and we snapped a few of the many runners who added a touch of creativity to their running gear! Brad Morgan of South Africa Info says: "The world's greatest ultra-marathon, 90 kilometres long, the Comrades is a South African institution, internationally recognised for the body-sapping challenge it poses and the camaraderie it fosters among its thousands of participants.
Run between the capital of the Kwazulu-Natal province, Pietermaritzburg, and the coastal city of Durban, the race alternates annually between the "up run" from Durban and the "down run" from Pietermaritzburg."

Friday, June 13, 2008

Helena Hugo - KZN @ Work

This week, I went to the KZNSA [KwaZuluNatal Society of the Arts] Gallery in Durban. Helena Hugo's exhibition KZN @ Work is currently on. I found the exhibition moving and uplifting. The image of each working person draws you into their world and life!The paintings impart a status and dignity to the workers as they are captured busy in their occupations.
How special to see Claire and Fiona of my local coffee haunt Sprigs also portrayed doing what they love!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Idea Catcher

I thought I would show you Volume 1 and 2 of my favourite book - : They are well worn hardcover exercise books and are not pretty or tidy - but they are where I catch my ideas. I scribble thoughts, draw pictures and glue in clippings, etc. I love looking through them and seeing which ideas have come to pass, which of them probably never will and many I am still hoping to put into action. I know at least one other person felt the same way as me -
"Ideas are elusive, slippery things.
Best to keep a pad of paper
and a pencil at your bedside,
so you can stab them during the night
before they get away."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Lovely London List 4

I have long been a fan of William Yeoward's work. Last time I was in London we braved the cold and rain to get to his shop! I hope to do the same this time - but in the sunshine!

These cushions of his are so delish - you almost want to eat them!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Glove Cushion Set

I have just finished the first 2 in a set of 6 Glove Cushion Covers. I have managed to source quite a few pairs of vintage gloves and I have stitched them on to cushion covers.I have added some simple naive stitching - that makes a comment about the gloves. I just love the way gloves are decorated so delicately and beautifully and feel happy to be able to "show their beauty off".

Monday, June 09, 2008

Touched by Lichens

I was tickled to see what dropped in on my washing line the other day: This beautiful lichen on a twig was just hanging there! Having just read Sakurasnow's post on lichens, I went on a lichen search in my garden:.
I love the way Lichen colourfully softens the concrete in my garden:
I would like to try dyeing fabric with lichen, but it seems such a pity to disturb this prettiness!

Team Fodder from the UK have designed organic tin tiles, which are made to encourage the growth of moss and lichens. [via Designboom.]
I would like to see them when they are "fully grown"
[PS - Fortunately my computer has made a speedy and inexpensive recovery. Whew!]

Friday, June 06, 2008

No Post Today....

My computer is sick... it's gone to hospital.
So sorry - no post today.
I hope it will soon be up and running again!
[Pic from Moominpappa06]

Thursday, June 05, 2008

My Lovely London List 3

Designer's Guild! A MUST on my places to visit in London next month. I remember the last time I was there. It was an aesthetic experience of colour and wonder...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

All Wrapped up and Ready to Go!!

Since posting my shirt cushions, my little etsy shop has experienced a [little] boom - so this morning has been filled with wrapping, writing and packing. It gives me so much pleasure to think of my handiwork winging it's way to the other side of the world!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

More Shirt Cushions At Last!

This isn't a pile of puffy laundry!
It's a pile of my new shirt cushions! - They fill me with delight - all made from fresh vintage shirts! They are in my etsy shop!