
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Other Life!

My blog and my etsy shop [and some other plans that I am working on] are a large passionate part of my life. I am a creative ideas person at heart. I am also a Family person, and I love mine to bits! Part of the Family thing includes doing the bookkeeping for my husband's business. My husband is my number 1 fan [and I, his!] and also the major bread winner. So I have to put my creative side on hold while I work through invoices, bank statements, etc. In this economic climate, I am so grateful for them, but it's not really what I am good at! And we all know how long it takes to do something that you are not really doing.
So yesterday, instead of actually getting up to date, I made this box, to store business type papers in!The box comes from Merry Pak and Print. They make such cool do-it-yourself boxes. And it made my account keeping a lot more creative!Now ... back to the books!


  1. What a lovely box and great way to start organizing!

  2. You clever thing! I'm so impressed. We also have a Merripak here in Cape Town - what a brilliant resource. The other thing we have in common is taxes: I spent all day yesterday up to my eyeballs in Excel documents. Yuk.

  3. Thanks Please Sir! Great to know Heather that I am not the only Creative wandering around in a maze of figures!

  4. I'm with you. It sure helps to have an inviting container rather than one resembling a coffin for paperwork!

  5. It is that time of year when we haver to file our tax returns. I HATE IT!

  6. You make such beautiful things! And I totally get it that once there is a marvellous box to file those documents, the task of actually going through them becomes a little more pleasurable - a bit like my jesse print making washing the dishes a good experience!

  7. A creative eye and a mind for business. That pretty much makes you an unstoppable superhero!

  8. What a pretty box! I have so many loose photos hanging around and no real way to store them, this would be absolutely perfect!

  9. so creative, glad to have found your blog!


  10. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get through the less appealing bits of a job and everything is improved by the addition of a pretty box! I can so relate to this :)

  11. I love that you love your family and I love that you say it!

    You make me smile! Whenever I have an unpleasnat task (such as my tax form this week), I also start tidying and cleaning. Not as creatively as you do though!
