My home is delighting in the joys of Spring and some of the flowers and cutout butterflies left over from my birthday!
My rolled LP vases contain bright Tiger Lillies and Proteas!

[Note - Don't lean over and get some of the pollen on your face as you are moving the flowers - even if you scrub your face you still land up looking a bit orange for the rest of the day!]
That is SO beautiful and fresh. I really do not know of anyone else who goes to so much "trouble" in their own home. (I certainly don't have the energy most days ..)
Really lovely!
/Lina - watching Swedish Idol on TV
bright...bravo , had to chuckle at the pollen, that is sooooo true!
love your new layout! Happy spring to you! Its fall here for us in the USA!
So pretty! Thanks for sharing :)
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