Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On Instagram Lately...

Snippets of what's been happening recently!
We had a wonderful weekend visiting my son and his girlfriend in Johannesburg.  They took us to some great places.  I lived in Joburg from the age of almost 5 until I was well into my 30s, so I have a very soft spot for this happening place.
*We visited the amazing Neighbourgoods Market in Juta Street, where I had *Poffertjes for the first time in South Africa.  I was delighted to see the aerial paper cups and teapots display at *Tashas at Atholl Square and taste the great coffee my husband always raves about when he is there.  Arts on Main too was so inspirational and we enjoyed the *Sunday Market on Main there.

Breakfast at * Vovo Telo in Parkhurst was a real treat. Back Home - to my coffee home in Durban *Bean Green is the place!
Some friends and I walked in the * Spar Women's race.  So much fun and a very patriotic start - singing the National Anthem was very moving and made me feel like a rugby hero for a few minutes! I recently discovered that i have a * Waste Centre down the road, and around the corner from me!  Yay - That's where I bought this polka dot ribbon.
A quick weekend project - *Crochet and Button Bracelet for myself.  And then. I just loved this vintage book I was working with last week.  All the *offensive words in the over 700 page book have been tippexed out by some sweet moral champion!

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