linen coverings with their varied textured weaves.
I was really interested in the coloured top edge of the pages. Colouring edges of pages has come in and out of fashion. I believe that top edges of books were gilded in years gone by to protect the pages from dust.
In my quick research, I found out about a form of book art I had not yet heard about: Fore-edge painting. This is where a scene was painted on the front page ends of a book. According to Wikipedia " There are two basic forms, including paintings on edges that have been fanned and edges that are closed; thus with the first instance a book edge must be fanned to see the painting and in the second the painting is on the closed edge itself and thus should not be fanned. A fanned painting is one that is not visible when the book is closed".
I hope this delightful set will soon find a happy home.
This quotation by Jerrold is printed in the front of each book:
'A blessed companion is a book'
This set is an entire friendship circle !
Try "Fore Edge Painting Bradbury" in your searh engine! There are few cheap ones on eBay uk at the moment.
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