Friday, January 16, 2015

A Window on 2015

 We have made a huge decision - to put our house on the market.  With that has come a mix of emotions  -  the heartache of leaving a much loved home full of memories behind and the excitement of the adventure of finding something new.  

It has also resulted in action, action, action - cleaning, tidying, throwing out and decorating.  
My goal is to make the most of this 30-something year old lady abode.  There are some bits of her that could do with a makeover, but basically she's clean, solidly built and well maintained.

I'm keen to show you some of what we've been doing to highlight her good features

I am starting at the far end of the house - my bathroom and dressing room.  We live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world and have a large garden.  So I've picked a variety of leaves and placed them in bottles along the window sills of these 2 rooms.      
A bright new mat from Mr Price Home was a perfect accessory for the neutral bathroom.
The bar of Rondavel soap looks delicious in this  basket 

Amongst all of this, I have been migrating my freshly found website to one that I can manage myself.  As I write, I have no site available online at all.  Rather nerve-racking, but I am hoping all will be sorted out today. 

1 comment:

Handmade in Israel said...

Wow! Good luck with all that! There is a huge amount of work that goes in to packing up a home. I hope that all goes well. The leaves/jars look wonderful!