I have a weakness for
saris. I live in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa, where we experience a rich Indian Culture. This means that on my frequent visits to Charity Shops, I am almost always confronted by some "Second Hand Saris for Sale"! I just cant resist all those metres and metres of beautifully patterned fabric for around $1.50 or 70p [R10 for those of us in SA].
This is one beautiful way I have found to use them! [Along with my treasured glass "bottle" collection]
Hi! I came over from "Keeper of Chocolates" for a quick visit! Love the table setting -- looks like it could belong in my backyard!
I love how graceful the women look in their saris, and I am beyond envious that you can find saris for R10!
Maybe you'd love these also: at worldmarket.com they have bedding made from old saris and shoulderbags made from old saris. I love the bedding, but Husband thinks it's much too feminine. Sigh
I'm very envious that you can find saris second-hand! I've had a few that I gave away, eventually, because I just couldn't bring myself to cut them up.
This looks beautiful. I have a sari that my husband brought back from India for me and I've never worn it but wished I could incorporate into something in some way (without cutting it up!). Great idea!
Oh and I love all the mis-matched chairs!
You make it all seem so easy!
I still think very much in a box, and a symmetrical one at that!
And yes, I also noticed the chairs. Love it
oh my gosh! you are so brilliantly creative. i love stopping in, i am always so inspired here. i too love these suri's and use them for table tops as well. :) the colors here are amazing..
oh yes, edith Schaffer is amazing. she has been the 'mentor' i have longed for in my own journey of wife and mother. her books have always been a voice of truth for me in the rubble and noise of today's modernized and feminized culture.
What beautiful finds! We love the bottles, and the wonderful vibrance of the sari's- just want to leap across the globe for a visit! Your blog is filled with beautiful pictures-just love the quickvisit to other places through great photos!
kari and kijsa
Hi It is so nice to meet you, I just stumbled onto your Blog. Your photos are Amazing. I love the Sari's on the Table so Pretty. I cant wait to visist again. Jamie
Beautiful colours, and the glass bottles look lovely. It's just turning winter here so it's good to see its nice and summery somewhere!
Very lovely, i love,
greeting from Belgium , welcome blog passion retriever, scrap, links exexpats Likasi congo
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