Monday, December 10, 2007


We had a lovely time in the Midlands. The wedding was great! So was the accommodation.
On the rare occasions that I go away to a lovely place and am treated very well - I get a sort of a feeling that this is my destiny - I was actually made to be pampered!

A sweet good night letter and choccies on our pillows...
A print-out of the weather forecast for the next day and suggested activities in keeping with the weather...
Fluffy white bathrobes hanging behind the door...

And beautiful gardens to explore...



Estelle said...

Ah, what a treat!
Yes, I do think you are meant to be pampered.

You've given me more reason to go to Granny Mouse - it's always been such an attraction!

JP.Brouard said...

Thanks for leaving a comment, always good knowing who has popped by. Hope you get to have more times away like this. Granny Mouse is very well known, but never knew they treated there guests so well.

Bronwyn said...

Looks and sounds great, it's a lovely part of the country.

Jesse said...

It sounds like the perfect weekend!