Kendalee of
Dance with a Painted Lady has a thing about Spirals and posted some alluring examples from the
Spiral Gallery!

Visit the sight and be mesmerised!

Searching out Spirals can be quite addicitve!

It made me think how appealing I have been finding the rolled throws and blankets on the bottom of the trolley at the end of the passage.

My eye is continually drawn along the pleasing lines!
Hai friend, Your blog is very nice and you had good content!
Stayed to built a blog that was useful for visitor and always thought to publish content that was great. Heeee, just support you…………………
Hope u have a great day!
From: Ousizch
Lovely. It's amazing how once you are aware of something, you start noticing it in other places too. I just looked at a book (about deaf awareness) and noticed the design of the inner ear on the cover -and there is a spiral too
Love all the spirals. Everywhere I look they seem to be jumping out at me!
Thanks for saying Hi! it was great to find ur blog, i feel a bit left out this side. So now i can keep in touch and would love u to do the same!
Lovely photos! How very Fibonacci!
Fantastic photos! The first one reminds me of Hitchcock a bit - check out a similar photo from my humble blog, if you like ...
I'm looking forward to your post tomorrow (-:
I am a big fan of noticing pattern or repeats (especially in nature) this is a great series of images!
These make me want to stand up in my office and do a little twirl!
Oooooh, LOVE your spiral blankets!! Thanks for posting these delights for the gratification of spiral addiction. It is amazing when one starts to look, how many are out there to be discovered, isn't it?
Very attractive photography - thanks for sharing.
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