My spoon collection has been crocheted together into a garland!

I love the rhythm created by counting the same number of chain stitches between each spoon.

Each spoon is different, which makes a lively pattern!

A quick first project with
yesterday's cotton knit!
Your work really fascinates me! I love the idea of counting, but that's the OCD in me speaking (-:
Aha, I was wondering if it's that knit!
Such a fun idea! I would never have thought of that :)
What a very cool idea! Do you have a place in mind to hang your garland?
what a magical way to display treasures!
So cool and so creative! I love it!
You are just SO clever! I love how you see how something can work with something else so different. A spoon garland! Where are you going to hang it?
I love this!
Ooo I have a spoon collection from when I was little. This is such a good idea for a way of displaying them. What did you do exactly crochet-wise?
What an original way to show off a collection.
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