
Monday, December 09, 2013

Adding Paint to Paper

Peace lilies are indigenous to South Africa, and one of my favourite flowers.  I love their simplicity and have enjoyed making them up out of paper.  I used book paper, but here in this bunch, I added a layer of white acrylic paint, before wet moulding the petals.  I am really pleased with the way they turned out.
The paint layer softens and almost hides the underlying print and gives the paper a lovely firm handle.
The Christmas Tree Project was also made with acrylic coated book paper squares, which were further decorated with a Collagraph Print.

Each square was covered with a layer of white acrylic paint on both sides. 
I rolled the acrylic paint on to some good quality recycled paper with a sponge roller. 
To speed the drying process up, I placed the painted sheets in my thermo-fan oven for a few minutes.  I only just switched the oven on, relying more on the moving air than the gentle heat.  
Afterwards I put the squares out to cool
Once the squares were folded (See the instructions here) I printed them with a simple pattern.  I made up a Collagraph plate - so named beause of the collaged materials that created the patterned print.
I used thick cardboard, and wound small string coils, which I glued on the corners. I sealed the string and cardboard with diluted wood glue.  When this was dry, I brushed paint onto the colis, and then printed them onto the squares.

See some pictures here and instructions on how to make up the tree here.