Yesterday I showed you the Christmas Tree hanging in my living room. It is made from individual folded squares of recycled paper, and strung together abacus-like to form a tree.
Here is a Pictorial to make up the squares. I used painted book paper squares for the tree, but I am using plain book paper to show the technique I used.
Slits were cut on the back of each square to thread the string through.
I used coarse string to create enough friction to keep the shapes from slipping down and out of position.
The tree was laid out on the floor before each string was threaded. Refer back to the picture in yesterday's post for the pattern.
The rod at the top of the mural was made from a large rectangle of waste paper, rolled obliquely into a long paper rod and secured with some wood glue.
Each string was knotted around the paper rod.
Colourful tissue paper squares were inserted inside some of the shapes.
In the next post I'll tell you about painting the book paper and the pattern I randomly printed on some of the squares.
This is so clever! Love the idea. I have been fascinated by origami this Christmas so got to add this to my to do list! Thanks for the tutorial.