Friends of ours, who have lived in New Zealand for the past 20years popped in to visit the other day! Not only was it great to see them, but I was so touched when they 'recognised' lots of my home because they read my blog! Wow and Yay! Steve and Joan - you rock!

They brought a ceramic memento from NZ - depicting an indigenous
Nikau Palm. It came in a cute lidded box which I am sure must have been woven from the palm leaves!

See how well it fits in with some of my other green goodies, especially for this
Green Tuesday!
Wow, great selections for green. Love these!
Lovely shades of green! And a very interesting item on the left (-:
perfect timing, eh?
I really like the palm box. Think it makes the ceramic piece an special one and completes the gift. I love packaging details like this.
I love the green pottery.
i love your greens:)
have a wonderful color week! ;)
Great green and rattan - an Asian feel.
Great collection of greens!
You photos make me want all of those cool little pretties. Lovely.
Lovely green goodies! But I must say, my eye was immediately caught by those delightful paper boats! I am so glad that someone else has this paper decorating passion - I have papery bits all over my house, and sometimes people look at me, well, in an odd kind of way, as if to say, darling, we love you, but we are a wee bit worried about you!
Serendipity! Beautiful collection of greens and goodies in the last picture and, like Anairam, I LOVE the paper boats!
very unique images in green~elk
Love all your green china! Glad you had a fun time with your friends!
love that vintagey green of the pottery!
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