Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Art Deco Lighting

Andryn2006 has a series of Durban Art Deco pics on flickr well worth looking at. This is the Memorial Building Tower at the University of Kwa Zulu Natal. It is a lovely example of Durban Art Deco Architecture. StrayJon has another interesting view of the same tower.

This tower reminds me of Charles' light fitting in his study. It is based on the shape of a high rise building and is part of his amazing collection of Art Deco Lighting!

Here are some more of his collection. Each piece comes with an interesting story... He has sourced enough authentic light switch plate surrounds for his whole home! Even more on Art Deco Charles and Art Deco Durbs next week!


Anonymous said...

I like your Deco posts...very fun.

Lois' Blog said...

Wonderful blog -- I look forward to reading/seeing more.

David Thompson said...

A great selction of deco stuff, I hope there is even more to