After the nice neutral, cool and whiteish Belgian blog of yesterday, I just had to bring you some more Orange again today! It seems to be happening all over the place - especially here in the Southern Hemishphere. Maybe it's because Autumn is upon us...
Jesse of
Jezzeblog in Cape Town just printed this delicious tape and has listed it in her
etsy shop!
Capetonian Heather of
Skinny La Minx spent the Easter weekend photographing her
Vintage Cups and Mugs. I just love seeing the whole series and how she interpreted them into the design of her latest Mugs
Tea Towel
Francesca has also had an
Orange time lately when she was rewarded for her kindness and recieved this lovely wristlet from
Naughtyagapanthus in Australia .
According to
There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors!
I love the comment about people's reactions to orange.
I don't like using the word "hate", so let me say I have a strong aversion to orange - except in nature, such as the beautiful clivia flowers.
I do, however, enjoy your orange passion!
I think orange is great, especially in combination with that winner brown : )
Best wishes for your exciting upcoming trip, Denise, look forward to seeing all the interesting posts that result!
I finally got around to adding your lovely blog to my links
These images take me back to my childhood in the 1970s! I had a real aversion to orange and black for quite awhile after that, but I'm coming back around to love them!
Thanks for including me in this lovely post! I have to stop myself from using orange on everything.....
I adore you talented ladies and your gorgeous orange designs! You have a great round up of talent here--Jesse and Heather are both fantastic!
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