I've done a few things with vintage ties in the past,

and I have a whole stash that I am hoping to do things with in the future - but I had never thought of Tie-pography.
Ed Nacional did and I like it!

Do you remember the
tie dress I made and the
tie skirt?
Oh that is gorgeous! So clever. You do really find the most amazing sites.
how beautiful and 'real'; a new take on handwriting...
Thanks for your sweet comment! Paris was inspiring. This Tie-pography find of yours makes me wish I had a use for it!
Btw, I'm not sure if you are interested in a handmade card or were just leaving a comment? Please let me know. It would be great to send you something!
aNd HeRe Is My TyPoGrApY - mIsSiNg YoU tOdAy (-:
Love this!
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