I could not resist some well worn scissors I found at a charity shop the other day.

I added them to my own collection and have them displayed on top of this wooden box in my living room now.
I have some questions:
This pair of scissors comes apart completely. It has little wheels on each handle- one serrated and one smooth, some notches and plier-like grips. Any ideas about it?

This pair are tweezer-like with a small rough birds-beak gripping edge:

The pair of nail scissors above it are what I used to cut nails with as a child. Included in my collection is a pair of pinking shears passed on to me by Granny!
I love the movement and line of handles and blades!
They always come handy. I also cannot resist buying them for all kinds of crafts and in shapes..... cheers!
My, my, what a collection. I have no idea what the 2 odd pairs are for. Hmmm, I hope someone out there can help.
I've found a few references to "utility scissors" and "bandage scissors" that have the angle.
I think you'll enjoy this too:
Such an interesting collection! The Universal scissors look like a multi-tool. I noticed ruler markings, the inner notches are probably for wire cutting, the smooth wheel looks similar to a glass cutter and the notched one could be used for marking instead of a pencil. The long scissors look like a surgical tool to hold tissue secure and snip.
I love pinking shears! Perhaps the little wheels on the one pair are for scoring paper or card and for making perforations? Lovely collection.
I am enjoying your perspectives on my collection! Thank you!
Estelle - What an interesting link! I have never seen scissors in this way before!
WOO HOO! I LOVE the new look (not that there was anything wrong with the previous one.) Bright, crisp, clear.
The universal scissors are amazing - a sort of swiss army knife of scissors! Ruler, pliers, wirecutter, and the notched wheel looks as if it could be used to trace patterns with. My mom used to have buttonhole scissors that had a screw like that on the handle - it meant that you could adjust the length of the cutting blade.
Great collection! I love the little bird-shaped ones at the bottom left... they remind me of my Nana's sewing basket.
Also love the new look and feel... Great banner! Your cute little birds in beads and wire... Adorable!
wow - that is a collection!
Thanks for sharing your collection. I've been scouting for old scissors when I'm out thrifting. I'm about to take a trip to Pennsylvania next week and I'll be hitting any fun junk shops that I find along the way. Your scissor post inspires me!
I wonder if the ones that come apart are kitchen shears. I have a modern pair that come part and have some of the same features. The "flat" one might be for trimming an rug when you are making it from scratch or it might be from an operating room. Hmmm. Maybe I should do some research before I open my mouth cause this sounds strange: OR or rug.
I wouldn't have thought of buying a collection like this - I like it, though :) They'd also look nice displayed in a shadow box for the wall.
I am a doctor and I can tell you that those long long long ones with the tiny little beak at the end are used for taking things out of deep crevases like miniature chess pieces out of children's ears and noses (yes my child....!) they are called crocadile forceps
On the multi-tool scissors there is a tiny "Bonham Lens"on the right handle where you can se a photografic motive - a tourist attraction or similair.
Jan, Stockholm, Sweden
On the multi-tool scissors there is a tiny "Bonham Lens"on the right handle where you can se a photografic motive - a tourist attraction or similair.
Jan, Stockholm, Sweden
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