Thursday, March 05, 2009

Creativity Voyage update and Urns!

Yesterday I hosted The Creativity Voyage in my home! I shared some decorating hints and principles! Then I bore my soul to them and showed them all the stuff around my home that I show you guys ! This 3d paper urn was dressed in a light silk scarf for the occasion:It's part of a whole series I am experimenting with!
It reminds me of this humorous Urn screenprint by Goodshape Design. The afternoon was a lot of fun! Not all of them are going to rush home and try the paper pattern bathroom curtain though! They said their husbands just would not understand!


kendalee said...

Love this idea of a Creativity Voyage - sounds like such fun!

Mandarine D'Italie said...

Well done!!It's sounds brilliant....wish I was there! This is a lovely way to share ideas and inspire others to take out their creative side!

(Thanks for your comment+link)

Estelle said...

It sound like you had oodles of fun. They are so fortunate to have you!
I guess "other husbands" have not walked a long, creative journey with their wives (-:

kat said...

Good for you! Love the urns and the fact that you are sharing your creativity.

Anairam said...

Well, I LOVE that paper pattern bathroom curtain - and I've trained L'Usband to understand my creative weirdnesses - so I am going to try that one soon!

Heloise said...

I love it!!