Finally I have put together a tut on How to Fold those Books! I usually use old novels, but this time I used a larger outdated buyers guide. The pages are lovely and crisp and firm enough to support the larger book. It looks good in a vase or just standing on it's own!

Find a suitable book and remove the cover. The glue or stitching remaining on the spine of the book should be strong, to support the stress that the folding puts on it.

Start by folding the top corner of the page down towards the spine of the book. Repeat with the bottom corner, folded up.

Keep on folding each page in the same way.

As you get to the end of the book, it gets more difficult. You have to use your one hand to keep the folded pages down while folding with the other.


See more of my Book Folding
here and
here and
here and read some more about book folding
These are so cool! As kids we used to fold the old telephone directories. They didn't look as good as this when they were finished but kept us amused for hours! It's quite meditational isn't it?
Shew, thanks for sharing that. Still amazed at how good it looks.
I hope the tree-noise is soon over (-:
Growing up, for Christmas, my Grandma and I would fold something similar using tv guides. We only made one fold, creating a tree. Sometimes we would add silver glitter... oh the memories. Love your idea!
amazzzing! visual delight...I love the smell of books too ;)
yaaayyy!! thank you for posting this! I had to share it on my own blog it's just too great!
Book folding - my favourite! I haven't done any new ones, but I want to try some new variations soon - I bought a few R1 cast-off books at the car boot sale that I think should work well ...
How fun! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing that tutorial. I can't wait to try it.
Miss K
Cool story as for me. I'd like to read something more concerning that topic. Thanks for sharing that material.
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I want to learn how to do "letter shapes" in old books, can't find any tutorials, and those that know how only share their beautiful works of art but not the how-to's. Very frustrating...but I won't give up yet.
This is so creative!
essential and informative post!! I found this blog very informative. thank you for sharing. Thank you for this info!
How nifty
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